26 October 2006

On Your Mark, Get Set...

Only six more days until we start reading! I am very excited that we are starting up again. For me, this is the perfect time of year to start something new. Even though it is gray and cloudy a lot of the time, I have more drive to get things done in the fall and winter than in the hot stickiness of June and July. Do you have your book yet?

Also, there are only six days until the beginning of National Novel Writing Month (NANOWRIMO for shorter). I have participated before, but mostly just like to check in now and see what others are up to and be encouraged by all the WRITING going on out there.

Two more fun things I've been peeking at this week:
Slate Green Challenge
Posie Gets Cozy

Enjoy! And get your book already!

1 comment:

Spinner in Progress said...

Wow, I've missed several blogs. I do apologize. Your blogs are very good - informative - sharing.

I actually bought my book Tuesday while at Bowie Town Center. I bought the $5.00 version. It's on my nightstand and ready to go.

I am tired tonight, but am now going to bed soon with ZERO in my e-mail inbox!!! That's 3 days in a row count them 3. This morning I spent an hour writing / polishing 3 Abortion-Minded scenarios for LPC for role-playing. Then, I made a wonderful crock-pot stew. Then I studied for the cardio-vascular exam that I was supposed to be able to teach to medical students this afternoon.

I was very nervous about it and felt very unprepared and insecure. I was also very surprised it went so well. I saw 5 groups of 2 students each. I actually knew exactly enough for today and learned a technique that helps them see my external JVP that was not in my training materials. All the students were grateful for the time with me. Now that's amazing! I am called a PETA - not People Eating Tasty Animals - but Physical Exam Teaching Associate.

I came home and had just enough time to eat a bowl of stew - mmmm - with Mike Bosworth and your Dad and then I dashed off to church to play on the Praise Team and to hear Dr. Terry Laws and General Georges Sadas - one of Sadam Hussein's Generals - an Assyrian - an aboriginal Iraqui if you will. He comes from what was Ninevah. I think it is Mosal? It was very interesting and he is so humble. May the Lord bless and protect him and his famiy. He wrote a book called "Saddam's Secrets."

More later. I need to investigate my horse, but probably can't get to it until Monday. I do want to blog more.