05 October 2006

Ignorance Is Bliss

At our house, we are trying extra-hard to be responsible citizens, but I am overwhelmed and confused about where to focus. There are so many areas of our lives we are wasteful and lazy. It is easier to pretend that our choices have no consequences.

We have been composting fairly regularly. This is especially easy because all we have to do is collect it and dump it in the compost bin out back. Then our landlord does the rest. We are not so good about the paper products. We use A LOT of paper towels. Not to mention diapers. And tissues. We are not too good about the recycling either.

So this week we reprinted the city's recycling guidelines and are evaluating each piece of garbage before it goes in the can. And I went to the store and bought handkerchiefs. So far we figure I've kept 25 tissues out of the trash. And that was just in one day!

I just read in The Simple Living Guide that most wrapping paper is not recyclable. What is that all about? We use for such a short amount of time!

Also on my mind, at the UMW cluster meeting on Tuesday we talked a bit about globalization and its positive and negative effects. We looked at where our clothes were made, where are food comes from and talked about making choices, but I was busy with the baby and didn't get to hear as much of it as I would have liked. I'm thinking of ordering this book from the Service Center so I can learn more and make more informed choices. What would you think about reading it with me sometime next year? Is this something you are interested in?

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