I read in a local paper that very few people make New Year's Resolutions anymore and even fewer people make an effort to keep them. This seemed odd to me because I have always made them, enjoyed making them and enjoyed the challenge of making them work or discovering how ridiculous they were in the first place. I try not to make too many at once and I try to work toward them carefully. Sometimes I plan too much and make no real progress at all. Sometimes I find out it wasn't really that important to achieve. Sometimes I pick the perfect goal, have the perfect amount of motivation, and really learn things about myself.
This year my resolutions are:
-To establish a daily habit of prayer and meditation. More than "Help me God!" when changing lanes on the freeway.
-Work diligently on my 30x30 list. This has been a resolution for the past few years and is going well. Only ten months to go!!
-Organise my children's toys. I think the first step here is to PURGE.
-Establish regular writing habits esp. correspondence and journaling.
-Learn more about food. Like the difference between a carbohydrate and a protein and how explain to my daughter why the all potato chips all the time diet is not a good idea. Also to make more environmentally responsible food choices.
-Continue to improve as a housekeeper. I do not want to be neurotic about this, I just don't want my feet to stick to the kitchen floor. At least not very often. Also I don't think using my ten month old as a vacuum cleaner is the best use of her potential.