02 February 2007

Inspiration + Action =

For the past few months, I've been reading some very wonderful, very crafty blogs. Somehow, they have given me the kick-in-the-pants I needed to move from just looking at pretty things to trying to make pretty things. Yesterday, with the help from this book, I made a clutch purse that actually looks like a clutch purse. It was quickly claimed by CAP when she got home from school, so now I have to make another for myself. It is lined and everything! Very, very exciting.

Today is tidy up the nursery day at our house and tonight we grown-ups are going out to dinner. There may be a quick stop at the library book -sale in there somewheres too. How about you - any weekend excitement planned?

In other news, the chancel choir is performing a cantata on Palm Sunday and their accompanist will be out of town, so I am filling in. It is one we've done before, so it should just be a brush-up job for me. It will be nice to play a little bit, and to spend some time with the choir. I miss the rehearsals, but not the late nights. Our director is arranging the time so we work on the cantata first and regular Sunday music afterwards so I can leave part way through. What fun!

1 comment:

Mike Eberhart said...

Sounds like your time has been spend being rather productive. Good for you! Just stopped by after seeing you post on Shauna's GF blog - I always like to read what the other GF folk are doing. And, if you are looking for any GF recipes, feel free to stop my my gluten-free recipes blog (well, recipes and reviews and other GF topics)... my wife has posted quite a few breads and other things there.