26 April 2007

Look! I finished something!

This is a prayer shawl for church. Our knitters have made hundreds of shawls, but this is only my second. And it is the first one I made with:

Fringing was hard and tedious. Or maybe just tedious. But it looks nice!

Baby A made a fast turn around from this:

to this:

After 18 hours of vomiting/changing clothes she is sleeping soundly. The hardest part was knowing how much she wanted to nurse and having to tell her no. We would nurse for two to three minutes and then wait to see if it would stay down...and it wouldn't. She would have just nursed/vomited continuously if I had let her. Jeff stayed up with her through most of the night while I got a little break. Hopefully we've gotten through the worst parts. Now to get caught up on the laundry...

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